
  • 《西游记》,吴承恩著,天津古籍出版社出版发行,2004年7月第1版,2004年7月第1次印刷,ISBN 7-80504-859-2/I.241
  • 《JOURNEY to the WEST(Volume 1 ~ 3)》, Translated by W.J.F.Jenner, Foreign Languages Press Co.Ltd, ISBN 978-7-119-01778-5
  • 《The Journey to the West(Revised edition Volume I)》, Translated and Edited by Anthony C.YU, The University of Chicago Press ChICAGO London, ISBN-13:978-0-226-97132-2, ISBN-10:0-226-97132-5
  • 《The Journey to the West(Revised edition Volume II)》, Translated and Edited by Anthony C.YU, The University of Chicago Press ChICAGO London, ISBN-13:978-0-226-97134-6, ISBN-10:0-226-97134-1
  • 《The Journey to the West(Revised edition Volume III)》, Translated and Edited by Anthony C.YU, The University of Chicago Press ChICAGO London, ISBN-13:978-0-226-97137-7, ISBN-10:0-226-97137-6
  • 《The Journey to the West(Revised edition Volume IV)》, Translated and Edited by Anthony C.YU, The University of Chicago Press ChICAGO London, ISBN-13:978-0-226-97139-1, ISBN-10:0-226-97139-2
  • 《MONKEY KING: JOURNEY To THE WEST》, Translated with an Introduction and Notes by JULIA LOVELL, Forword by GENE LUEN YANG, PENGUIN BOOKS, ISBN 978-0-14-310718-7
  • 《比特西游:破解取经伏魔的终极密码(上卷)(下卷)》,刘勇著,成都:四川科学技术出版社,2018.8,ISBN 978-7-5364-9146-5