Gulp 构建平台
- gulp.js:the streaming build system - GitHub- 中文
- gulp.js plugin registry
- harmonize:Enables node’s –harmony flag programmatically. - GitHub
- gulp-load-plugins:Automatically load any gulp plugins in your package.json - GitHub
- requireDir:Node.js helper to require() directories.
- vinyl-source-stream:Use conventional text streams at the start of your gulp or vinyl pipelines - GitHub
- merge-stream:Merge multiple streams into one interleaved stream
Javascript 构建
- browserify: - GitHub
- watchify:watch mode for browserify builds - GitHub
- preprocessify:Browserify preprocess transform - GitHub
- babelify:Babel browserify transform - GitHub - Learn ES2015
- reactify:Browserify transform for JSX (a superset of JS used by React.js) - GitHub
- gulp-jshint:JSHint plugin for gulp - GitHub
- gulp-uglify:Minify files with UglifyJS. - GitHub
- gulp-mocha:Run Mocha tests - GitHub
- gulp-jest:Gulp plugin for running your Jest tests - GitHub - Jest
- gulp-coveralls:Gulp plugin to submit code coverage to Coveralls - GitHub
- SBoudrias/gulp-istanbul:Istanbul unit test coverage plugin for gulp. - GitHub
CSS 构建插件
- gulp-less:Less for Gulp - GitHub
- gulp-autoprefixer:Prefix CSS with Autoprefixer - GitHub
- gulp-minify-css:Minify css with clean-css. - GitHub
- del:Delete files/folders using globs - GitHub
- gulp-concat:Streaming concat middleware for gulp - GitHub
- gulp-rename:Rename files - GitHub
- gulp-imagemin:Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images - GitHub
- gulp-useref:Parse build blocks in HTML files to replace references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets. - GitHub
- gulp-replace:A string replace plugin for gulp - GitHub
- gulp-preprocess:Gulp plugin to preprocess HTML, JavaScript, and other files based on custom context or environment configuration - GitHub
- gulp-htmlmin:gulp plugin to minify HTML - GitHub
- gulp-rev:Static asset revisioning by appending content hash to filenames: unicorn.css → unicorn-d41d8cd98f.css - GitHub
- gulp-rev-all:Static asset revisioning with dependency considerations, appends content hash to each filename - GitHub
- browser-sync:Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites. - GitHub - 中文
- gulp-sync:sync for dependency tasks of gulp.task method - GitHub
- run-sequence:Run a series of dependent gulp tasks in order
- gulp-if:Conditionally run a task - GitHub
- gulp-plumber:Prevent pipe breaking caused by errors from gulp plugins - GitHub
- gulp-sourcemaps: - GitHub
- gulp-changed:Only pass through changed files - GitHub
- gulp-cached:A simple in-memory file cache for gulp - GitHub
- gulp-filter:Filter files in a vinyl stream - GitHub
- gulp-size:Display the size of your project - GitHub
- gulp-tap:Easiest way to tap into a pipeline - GitHub
- gulp-flatten:remove or replace relative path for files - GitHub
- gulp-exclude-gitignore:Gulp plugin to exclude file contained in .gitignore from the stream - GitHub